Wednesday 1 September 2010

I'm decorating

Almost finished decorating our living room - so clean and fresh (ready for winter...). I even hired a carpet cleaner yesterday, the filth that was lifted. The previous owner had a really old gas heater which when we had replaced was informed it wasn't actually connected to the chimney as the flue was blocked with rubbish and it had probably been like this for ten years!! That would explain why the carbon-monoxide alarm kept going off, I just got annoyed with it and removed the batteries. All around the previous owners furniture was left a shadow of carbon - lekker!

But we have a new heater now so all is safe in Casa Miller-Rouse.

And once the apartment is tidy again I can get back to my knitting...

1 comment:

  1. Oh yuck, other people's filth can be so nasty. It's bad enough when it's your own, but other people's near your precious knitting, oy! Nasty!

    Glad you are near done and back to knitting :-)
